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FANTOO Suppoters

Sketch of the kick-off ceremony of FANTOO Global Supporters

by FANTOO 2023. 5. 19.


Last Saturday, the kick-off ceremony for FANTOO Global Supporters was held

t Seoul Marina FANTOO House!


​The enthusiasm was hotter than the May sunshine, 🔥


and the laughter never ceased.

​Therefore, I would like to share about the ceremony. XD


At such events, a welcome kit is a must-have, right?



Isn't it adorable?

From keyboards and grip tok to fans and hand mirrors!

As a token of love from FANTOO,

the FANTOO Supporters Welcome Kit,

filled with our affection for all the supporters,

was presented as the ceremony began!💜 (Exciting!)


There were also people who came from faraway regions,

and even those who flew in from neighboring countries ><

They joined us through ZOOM :D

(Is it just my impression that the MC seems the most excited?👻)


To all global supporters who couldn't attend the ceremony,


If you come to FANTOO House at Seoul Marina,

FANTOO will give you a warm welcome. 🤓

The first part consisted of introducing FANTOO

and providing guidance on supporters' activities.

With sparkling eyes👀, and attentive ears👂

all supporters diligently stored the information in their minds~📸

FANTOO has so much affection for them all.❤️


​During the Q&A session, there was no moment of silence

as many of them enthusiastically asked insightful questions!

Next, we had a networking session!


We had two missions:

Naming FANTOO supporters with English names and creating FANTOO slogans.

FANTOO was worried that the first encounter among the supporters might be awkward, 😣

but it was needless concern.


As soon as the group activities began,

there was a buzz of excitement and energy.

To win the prizes!?

They brainstormed and started sharing ideas!

​The mission time was just 30 minutes. ⏱️


As soon as the time was up,

the staff swiftly collected the magic and papers.

(We do live in a cold-hearted society.)

The team leaders of each group

provided briefings on the naming and slogan tasks,

It's amazing how well they explained and even performed a role-play

without even being asked to do so!

After the presentation,

while the FANTOO staff carefully deliberated to select the winning team,


The supporters had a great time mingling,

enjoying the finger food : D

I also indulged myself this much.

Hee-hee ^^

The moment when Team 5 won the slogan competition

and received a 50,000 KRW gift card

from Shinsegae Department Store!


​ Yay ><~💕

The FANTOO staff members were all smiles during the entire 2-hour event,

witnessing the joyful and enthusiastic participation.

It felt like it was too short, as time flew by.


​From now on,

Let’s enjoy global fandom with FANTOO. 😉

👇 Let's get closer with FANTOO


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